PRODUCT DETAIL : Generic Vocational Communications

The program consists of:

Generic web delivered written communications materials that assist learners in getting an understanding of important workplace communications and associated on line tests.

Learners are presented with a range of situations using both illustrations and words that require them to think about the situation they are presented with and how people react in different ways to each of the situations. They are also presented with some questions on how to tackle each of the them.

There are numerous generic workplace communications items covered in this program such as:

· Active Listening:

The two step listening process

The roles of a listener

· The Art of Speaking:

The three step speaking process

Asking Questions

Telephone skills

· People Skills

Verbal and Nonverbal language techniques

Team Communications Skills

Customer Service Skills

· Effective reading

The three step reading process

· Writing at work

Writing Business Correspondence

Completing Job Sheets and Invoicing

Undertaking Inspections and Completing Reports

Identifying Defective Equipment and Completing Reports (Safety)

Completing Accident Reports (Safety)

· Researching

The researching process and how to go about it

Finding information ands where to look

For more information about this program contact us by email!